Sunday, April 5, 2015

Website Design: Creating A Visitor Profile

When you're making a website, you generally aren't advertising towards every person on the planet. My blog, for example, is geared towards younger people who like technology. (Making content designed for such people isn't really a problem for me, since I happen to be a younger person who likes technology. xD)

So, when you're making a website, you don't want a mish-mash of every design and content concept out there in the hopes of attracting some of every group of people. You should identify what type of people you're looking to attract, then shape your website accordingly.

That's where a visitor profile comes in. A visitor profile is a profile that describes the ideal visitor to your site -- the kind of person you're aiming to attract and the kind of person that you think would benefit most from your website.

Since I don't know about your website, I can't tell you how you should make your visitor profile. Certainly, the profile of each website will vary a lot. Some may be more specific than others. (e.g. a site selling backpacks for preschool girls vs. a site about all kinds of internet stuff)

However, I can give you some things to think about when creating a visitor profile.

  • The age of the visitor. It can be a range or an actual age.
  • The gender of the visitor.
  • The country or place that the visitor lives in. Language is an important factor.
  • Their interests, likes and dislikes.
  • Their personality.
Good luck with your visitor profiles! And remember, I love comments!

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