The format of Khan Academy is simple and easy-to-use. The website can be translated into a variety of languages.
Subjects taught include math, science, economics and finance, arts and humanities, computer programming and science, test preparation, and some third-party related content.
Personally, I have not tried learning with all of the subjects. I have done a ton of computer programming, in fact I've completed nearly all of their computer programming courses, and I must say that, for me, anyway, it is very easy to understand. If you don't get it, you can always go back and watch the interactive video again. You can't do that with a real life lecture.
Their math courses are less impressive, but still helpful.
I only did one lesson in their science courses. They are interesting, but heavily biased towards the theory of evolution being true -- not too appealing if you have a Creationist viewpoint.
Khan Academy is a helpful resource, especially in the area of computer programming and computer science. However, in some cases, it's a lot like trying to learn in the public schools -- all of the content is taught the same way to everyone. Happily, with Khan Academy, you can opt out of taking any courses.